1. Name of the society


2. Registered office of the society

The registered office of the Society is situated presently at “#594/14, 15, SRINIVASA NAGARA, HADADI ROAD, DAVANGERE – 577005, KARNATAKA”

3. Date of formation of the society

The Society was formed on 07/09/2019.

4. Jurisdiction of the registrar of the societies

The Society is situated within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of societies and Registrar of assurances.

5. Business hours of the society

The business hours of the Society shall be from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM except on Government holidays and Sundays.

6.Objectives of the society

• To enhance and expand the scope of Pharmacology from textbook to bedside therapeutics.
• To bridge the gap between academia and industry in drug development and contribute to translational research in Pharmacology.
• Collaborative work in basic and clinical Pharmacology.
• Effective and smooth implementation of CBME in Karnataka.
• Improve the standards of pharmacology teaching through shared knowledge and network among the stakeholders.
• To safeguard the academic and professional interest of members of the society.
• To update the members on new development and tools in pharmacology by half early continuous medical education (CME) and Annual Karnataka society of medical pharmacologists conference.
• To help the policy makers in decision drafting about the rational and safe use of medicines.

7. Activities in furtherance of the Objects

The activities of the Society shall include all kinds of activity necessary for the functioning of its objectives as stated above, and in particular the holding of meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars and publication of books, periodicals, newsletters and journals as may be decided by the committee from time to time to fulfill the objectives of the Society.

8. Members

Life Members

Life Members shall be required to possess a post‐graduate degree such as MD/DNB Pharmacology or DM/DNB Clinical Pharmacology/Clinical Pharmacology &Therapeutics from any institution or university recognized by the Medical Council of India and/or approved by the Governing Body of the Association. Life membership shall be open to citizens of India only.

9. Membership Rights and Privileges

Life members

Life members shall have voting rights, rights to propose, second anyone or contest for any office of the Governing body. They are eligible for oration, lectureship or any other awards of the association, to take part in the general body meetings and any other meetings conducted or organized by the society.

10. Membership Fee

A onetime payment of INR 3000 shall be paid as the membership fee.

11. Duties and Obligations of members

a) Every member shall abide the rules and regulations laid down in the byelaws and also strive hard to promote the objects of the Society.
b) Every member shall maintain the spirit de corps and have cordial relation with the members either personally or in profession.
c) If any member causes loss or damages to the properties of the Society in a manner otherwise in the discharge of the duties is liable to make good the loss or damages caused by such members.

12. Membership allotment, resignation and Cancellation

Any interested and eligible person can be a member of KSMP by filling the membership application form prescribed by the Governing Body and shall be duly proposed and seconded by existing valid members. It shall be accompanied by documentary evidence of eligibility, qualification and prescribed fees by a bank draft payable at any national bank authorized by the governing body. The Governing Body is the final authority to admit applicants to all categories of membership. The Governing Body shall, also accept the resignation from membership, as also decide cessation of membership for any other reason. The decision to approve the membership shall remain with the governing body. In case of rejection of membership, it’s the prerogative of the governing body to give a valid explanation for the same.

In case of any disputes the decision of President and General Secretary, by passing a resolution shall be final, provided that no such removal shall be made unless the person concerned is given an opportunity to show because why he should not be removed from the membership of the Society. Re-appeal for membership shall be done after filling the new membership form and such memberships shall be forwarded to the President and General Secretary so as to place the same in the ensuing General Body meeting for the decision of the General body. Till the decision taken out at the General Body meeting, such member will be deemed to be a non-member of the Society. In case of any miscreant activity or non-functionality or promoting/exercising any anti-association activities by any member, shall be removed from the basic membership by a resolution passed by a majority of members of Governing Body.

A member wishing to resign his/her membership shall communicate the same to the President and General Secretary in writing. Life membership fee of such member shall not be refunded and the name of such member shall be removed from the membership Register.

13. Transaction of business

The Society shall transact the business through the Governing Body.

14. Governing Body (Executive Committee)


The Governing body consists of 11 persons and they are one president, One Vice president, One General Secretary, One Treasurer and seven members.

Appointment of General Body members

i. All the members of Governing Body shall be appointed by a resolution passed by a majority of the members entitled to vote at the General Body meeting in pursuance of the election conducted straightway to the designations specified above.

ii. Any interim vacancies in the General Body shall be filled up only by the General Body and the term of office of such members shall be on par with the other members of the Governing Body.

Term of Office of the Governing Body members

The term of the Office of the Executive committee members will be three years. If there is a delay in conducting the General Body meeting for election of the members of the Governing Body due to administrative reasons, the committee and the term of such Adhoc committee shall not extend further from the expiry of term of three years.

Eligibility for the Executive Committee members

i. The persons contesting for the executive committee shall be the life member, as per register of members.

ii. No member shall contest for more than one post in the Executive Committee.

Powers and Functions of the Governing body

i. It shall be competent for the Governing body to form such sub-committee(s), as it may fit and assign from time to time such functions and duties and delegate such powers on any particular issue that may be of interest to the Society and make representations or to represent the Society before any organization or appear before any authority and make such steps as may be necessary in pursuance thereof.

ii. The proceedings of the Committee shall not be invalidated on account of any vacancy or vacancies in the committee which may be unfilled or defect in the Committee.

iii. Any member of the Governing Body may at any time resign from office by sending his/her resignation to the President or General Secretary but such resignation shall take effect only from the date on which it is accepted by the body.

iv. It shall be competent for the members of the Governing body to expel or remove at any time, any member of the committee for the breech of the provisions of the bye laws or such member’s activities are detrimental to the objects and development.

v. Where a member of Governing body absents himself/herself for three consecutive meetings of the body without leave or absence, action will be taken by the Governing body to remove such member from the Governing body provided that no such removal shall be made unless the person concerned is given an opportunity to show because why he should not be removed from the Governing Body.

Meeting of the Governing Body

i. The meeting of the Governing body shall be as often as necessary and at least meet once in four months.

ii. Seven days clear notice shall be given for meetings of the Governing Body except the emergency meeting for which three day notice is enough and such notice shall be sent by post. The quorum of the meeting of the Governing body shall be 1/3rd member of the body. If at the appointed hour for the meeting, the required quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to the next half an hour and the meeting will be conducted. Quorum is required for the adjourned meeting.

iii. A resolution in writing signed by circulation by the majority of members of the Governing body shall be as valid and effectual as if the same had been passed at the meeting of the said Governing body regularly convened and held. Such resolutions shall be ratified at the subsequent Governing body meeting

15. Preparations and filing of returns, statements Etc

All the statements, forms, returns required to be filed with the Registrar of Societies in accordance with the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 and rules made there under shall be filed by the General Secretary duly signed and sealed within the prescribed time.

16. Audit of accounts

It shall be done by a qualified auditor who is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India

17. Business or accounting year of the Society

The business year of the society shall be 1st April to 31st March of the succeeding year

18. Accounts books

The following account books and files shall be maintained and the same shall be kept only in the registered office of the Society:

i. Cash book showing daily receipt and expenditure, and the balance at the end of each day.

ii. Receipt book, containing forms in duplicate, one of and each set to be issued with details for money receipt by the Society and other to serve as counterfoil.

iii. Voucher files, containing all vouchers for the contingent and other expenditure incurred by the Society, numbered serially in Red Ink and filed chronologically.

iv. Ledger showing consolidated and separated account of all items of receipts and expenditure, member wise as well as item wise.

v. Monthly register of receipts and disbursements.

19. Supply of copies of bye-laws, receipts and expenditure account and the balance sheets

The copies of the byelaws, receipt and expenditure and balance sheet shall be supplied to members.

20. Mode of custody, application and investment of the funds of the Society

The funds of the Society shall be applied only for the objects of the Society. Funds not immediately required shall be invested in the current/Savings account in the name of the Society in the bank and the same shall be jointly operated by the President and Treasurer.

21. Day to day business of the society

The President and Treasurer shall have an imprest amount of INR 25,000/- (Twenty Five Thousand only) for day to day transactions. Any amount exceeding the above shall be deposited into the bank account.

22. Annual General Body meeting

Annual General Body meeting shall be held within 6 months from date of closing of business year of the society.

a) Consideration and approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the General Body;
b) Consideration of the Annual Report of the working of the Society;
c) Consideration of the report of the Annual Accounts of the preceding year of the Society;
d) Consideration of the budget of the current year
e) Appointment of the Auditor(s) to audit the accounts of eh ensuing year to fix remuneration;
f) Consideration of any recommendations of the Governing Body;
g) Consideration of any motion, notice of which has been given in writing by a member at least 7 days in advance from the date of the meeting to the President;
h) Election of the members of the Governing body if the same is due, if not conducted by a separate meeting.

Notice regarding the General body meetings

For all General Body meetings, a notice stating the venue, date, time and agenda of such meeting shall be communicated to all members in advance of 21 days. Such 21 days will exclude the date of postage and date of meeting. The notice shall be served in either of the following manner.

a) By Local delivery
b) By certificate of posting
c) By publication through Press
Apart from the above copy of such notice shall be also be affixed in the notice board of the Society.

Quorum and Adjournment

The quorum for all General Body meeting shall be 1/3rd of the members. In the event of such quorum is not present at the appointed hour, the meeting shall stand adjourned for the next 15 minutes at the same place and of such adjourned meeting the members present shall constitute the quorum.

Decision at the General Body meeting

All questions before any meeting shall be decided by majority of votes except the one which is to be passed by special resolution. In case of quality of votes, the President or the Chairman of the meeting shall have his casting vote.

23. Inspection of records and Account books

The register of Members, the Minute books and the Book of Accounts including receipts books and voucher file and bank accounts shall be kept and maintained only at the registered office of the Society and shall be available for inspection during the business hours by the members of the Society free of cost without any application but by seeking prior appointment.

24. Filling

Annual returns are filled within 6 months of convened general body meeting (declaration, AGM minutes, Audit report and Form VI).

25. Dissolution

Whenever necessary arises for the dissolution of the Association, section 22 and 23 of the Karnataka societies Registration Act, 1960 will be followed. No property shall be divided among the Governing body or all other members, for the property of the association shall be entrust to another registered Society with similar aim and objects. For all the things not specifically provided in the constitution, the provisions of Karnataka Society registration act 1960 shall apply.

26. Preside and Proceedings of the meetings

a) Every meeting shall be chaired by the president, if present, or one elected to chair the meeting by those present in the meeting.
b) Every proceeding of the meeting shall be recorded in the book of Minutes and shall be signed by the chairman of that particular meeting at which the proceedings were held or by the Chairman of the next succeeding meeting.  

27. The official logo of the association